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District 13 Flotilla 61 Station Grays Harbor - West Port, Washington



Flotilla 61 Officers & Staff


This Detachment is currently under the leadership of Dick Siefert (FS-OIC). Mr. Siefert has been commissioned to lead the rebuilding of this Detachment to a full strength Flotilla by the end of 2011.

Email Leader

This Detachment is also supported by the officers of Flotilla 62.


Flotilla 62 Staff Officers 

Elected By Members        
Flotilla Commander (FC)    Dan Cary    Send a Message
Vice Flotilla Commander (VFC)    Will Greene    Send a Message
IPFC (Immediate Past FC)    John Reynolds     
Appointed by Flotilla Commander         
FSO-AN (Aids to Navigation)    Herbert Lang    
FSO-CM (Communications)    Desmond Doss    
FSO-CS (Communication Services)    Will Greene   Send a Message
FSO-FN (Financial Services)    Donna Reynolds    
FSO-IS (Information Services)    Don Berger   Send a Message
FSO-MA (Materials)    John Bageant   Send a Message
FSO-MS (Marine Science)    Desmond Doss    
FSO-MT (Member Training)    Dick Siefert   Send a Message
FSO-OP (Operations)    Lou Place   Send a Message
FSO-PA (Public Affairs)    Larry Kellis   Send a Message
FSO-PB (Publications)    Lee LaFollette   Send a Message
FSO-PE (Public Education)    Dick Willingham    Send a Message
FSO-HR (Human Resources)    Gordon Gillock   Send a Message
FSO-PV (Program Visitor)    Sherm Richmond    
FSO-SR (Secretary/Records)    Janice Weston-LaFollette    
FSO-VE (Vessel Examinations)    John Lester   Send a Message
FSO-CC (Career Councilor)    Gordon Gillock    
Fellowship    Donna Reynolds     
Padre    Frank Gillock